Friday, February 19, 2010

The Perfect Boots..

I have been in search of the perfect boots for over 3 years now. To this day, I have not found a pair that I love enough to spend a few hundred (more or less) dollars on. Today I found these Eric Michael boots on & of course, they don't have them in my size or color! Boo!! I walked around South Coast Plaza after work & couldn't find anything I liked. I even went into Macy's & I really don't like Macy's. Why is it so hard to find the perfect boots?! It makes me sad.

Friday, February 12, 2010

We Are The World

I was watching the Winter Olympics tonight & they premiered part of the We Are The World video. I found the full version of it on Yahoo! & thought I would share it. It's a very moving song, if you really listen to the words. The first part is a message, so you can skip over it to get right to the video. But I encourage you to listen to the message & donate if you can. The Haiti earthquake is such a tragedy. Do what you can since, as Americans, we are so blessed.

Make-up Is a Glorious Thing!

So this is the new MAC Ad for Viva Glam lipstick, where if you buy it part of the proceeds goes to fighting AIDS. I think that is so awesome that MAC does that. But the real reason I am writing about this on my blog is to show everyone what make-up can do! In this ad is Cyndi Lauper &, yes people, Lady Gaga!! Now I really like Lady Gaga....she's totally weird, but I like most of her music & I do think she's an amazing singer. However, I do NOT think she is very pretty. Especially since she always wear these crazy things on her head, like red lace & ice sculptures. BUT she looks gorgeous in this Ad!! Right?! I didn't even recognize her at all. I receive update e-mails from MAC & when I saw the e-mail today with this photo I thought, "Wow, who is that with Cyndi Lauper?" Uhhhh...Lady Gaga!!!!! Her poker face is pretty, pretty!! Hahaha!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


So I read this article on Yahoo! that there is "controversy" about the cover of this Sports Illustrated. It says that it "objectifies her" by the way she is posing. I think this is complete BS! I actually think the fact that some people are making this into something is what is inappropriate! Is this not the way people ski? Don't you have to bend your knees & lean forward to go down the stupid slope? If this was a man, no one would say anything about it at all. Would it be a big deal then? NO. So nice job people! You turned a normal cover of a professional skier into some controversy! So lame...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Christmas 2009

What a Christmas we had this year!! Aunt Susie & Uncle Jim came in from Texas; Uncle Bobby & Aunt Evelyn came in from Flagstaff; even Garrett made it up from SD on Christmas Eve! We had a packed house, which always makes the holidays so much better! Pictures, anyone?!

The girls woke up around 6-something in the morning. I was asleep on the air mattress on my parent's floor when one of them (I think Makaila) came trotting into their room & tried to get my mom to wake up. I heard my mom tell her that they had to wait until at least 8:00 to open presents. I was thinking, "8:00!! That's still early!"

After everyone opened their presents, we took our annual picture behind our stockings. I look terrible. Thank goodness this is a small picture!! =o) I received some very COOL gifts. Aunt Jenny gave me a Caroline Young painting (loved it!) & my parents gave me one of those germ killing wand-light things. Actually the tag said, "To Kristi, From Monk". My mom is so clever!! I haven't used it yet, but you better believe I will! It even came with a travel size one, which I will now proceed to ALWAYS take with me when I travel anywhere!! =oD

Our Christmas tree. Love it! My mom got a new tree topper, which I think was so pretty!!

The food spread. YUM! Here you will find my Dad's famous Tri-tip & mashed potatoes (he makes the best in town!), fresh cranberries, creamed corn, turkey, stuffing, yams, Cajun chicken, honey ham, & a spread of gourmet cookies (courtesy of Aunt Jenny). Jealous anyone? Actually, looking at this picture makes me hungry!!

Cousin Garrett & me. Hahaha!! =oD

Me & Kierlan! She is still happy at this point. Later she gets really cranky & won't smile for anyone's pictures! I won't post any of those ones! Little bugger! I love her so.

Cousin Leigh Ann & I. Actually, she's more like an older sister! We're not really related, but our parents are best friends sooo....yeah! We're family!

Papa-san! As I get older, I find my dad to be more & more funny. I am a lot like him when it comes to sense of humor, sarcasm, being handy with tools & stuff. =o) I also have his nose & hands (he would say, "no, I still have mine!") & apparently I walk like him too. I like to say that we strut!

My Moma. As I get older I find that all my funny craziness come from her. I worry about people like she does. I'm also a little paranoid like her & I get my germaphobe-ness from her. Although she will say that she's not as bad as I am. This may be true, but I am a germaphobe because of all the crazy things she feeds into my head!! Like, "I saw this 20/20 special on how germs are all over door knobs & how they...." Or, "I read today that they don't ever really wash those bedspreads at hotels. Do you know how many yucky people's germs must be all over them?" Yeah...

The family portrait! We finally got a good one! Do you know how many years it took to get BOTH the girls to be happy at the same time when we take this picture? It hasn't happened since they were infants & they had no choice but to look happy in a picture while we held them! Anyway, I love this picture of our crazy family!

My little nieces. Although, they're not so little anymore. In 2 years they will taller than their mother.

Makalia, Me, & her little Panda she got that morning. Apparently she can feed it & it moves....I don't know. She loves that thing!

Ah, Uncle Jim! We're sort of making the same face here! Haha! Like his shirt? We got it for him a couple years ago. =o) Love him!

Brother B would not let me take any pictures with him. Punk! So I decided that I would smile at the camera & he could look away. Whatever!

My 2 favorite people. =o)

Aunt Susie!! I love her so much. I wish I got to see her more throughout the year. She lives in Lubbock & one day (hopefully soon) I will visit her there!! I think my personality is a lot like hers. We have the same type of humor, we're very affectionate, & we're funny!! =oD Heehee! I'm not as funny as she is...yet!!
All in all, we had such a great Christmas. The house wasn't as full as it usually is, but there were still a lot of people there. I cannot believe another year has gone by & another has started. Time goes by so quickly now. I hope that 2010 brings my family & friends lots of love, happiness, laughter, & success!! I hope this for myself too!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

You've GOT to Love This

Everyone who knows me knows that I love Michael Jackson. I guess that's where my nieces get it from!! They're totally obsessed with him because they only discovered him not long before he died. Well, I found this video in a Yahoo! article. You may or may not have heard or seen the inmates of the prison in Cebu. They have all these You Tube posts of them dancing to all kinds of songs. They are actually really good! They even recreated the Thriller of the inmates dressed up as the girl too! Hahaha! Anyway, one of MJ's choreographers went to Cebu, Philippines to teach them one of the routines that was in MJ's This Is It. This video is SO cool! I love the visual of it!

My Friend's Son

This is a music video of my girlfriend Natalie's son. I work with her & her little boy is sooooo cute! He loves to dance around & she put this "music video" together. What do you think? Superstar in the making?? I think- definitely!